HAMC Supplier Code of Conduct – Training Material

HS HyosungSocial Contribution ActivitiesHAMC Supplier Code of Conduct – Training Material
As HAMC pursues sustainable growth in its business, HAMC Supplier Code of Conduct is to create a transparent and fair trade relationship between HAMC and our suppliers and standards to fulfill its corporate social responsibilities to all our business partners. There are four categories in (1) ethical management, (2) respect for human rights, (3) a safe workplace and (4) environmental management as follows:
Ⅰ. Ethics and Fair Trade

Support for the implementation of transparent and fair trade culture and active participation in ethical management
1. Anti Corruption Prohibit any unreasonable request and direct or indirect provision of money or valuables, entertainment, gifts, convenience and others in all processes related to the work, such as bidding, and conclusion and execution of a contract.
2. Fair Trade and Competition Comply with regulations and standards regarding fair trade and competition in the bidding process, and bear any disadvantages such as suspension of transactions and termination of contracts in case of unfair business practices.
3. Customer Satisfaction Provide the highest level of quality and service for customer satisfaction.
4. Conflict of Interests Prevent a conflict of interest between individuals and/or businesses before a contract is signed.
5. Intellectual Property Protection Protect intellectual property rights of Hyosung Corporation as well as any information of subcontractors.
6. Personal Information Protection Protect personal information of all stakeholders including suppliers, employees and consumers.
7. Report Anonymity and Non Retaliation Operate channels for internal and external stakeholders to report misconduct of employees and protect the anonymous reporter without fear of retaliation.
8. Conflict Minerals Regulations Prohibit the use of all raw materials and materials obtained through illegal and unethical methods.
II. Human Rights and Labors

Respect human rights of our employees and not treat individuals inhumanely
1. No Discrimination Do not discriminate on the grounds of race, language, religion, ethnicity, disability, politics, academic background and age.
2. Fair Compensation Provide fair compensation based on individual performance under fair working conditions.
3. Freedom of Assembly and Association Guarantee freedom of association without fear of reprisal or threat of retaliation.
4. Working Environment Improvement Provide regular paid leave and guarantee working hours as governed by the regulation.
5. Prohibition on Forced and Child Labor Comply with employment standards for a minimum age and prohibit to force employees to work against his or her free will.
6. Property Rights Protection Respect all intellectual and property rights of HAMC and subcontractors.
7. Privacy Protection Respect for an employee’s private and family life, home and communications.
Ⅲ. Safety and Health

Prevent from workplace accidents and occupational diseases of our employees by identifying risk factors in advance
1. Work Environment Improvement Create safe and healthy workplace environment.
2. Preparation for Emergencies Improve effective evacuation capabilities through trainings and prepare a response plan for each emergency.
3. Prevention of Industrial Accidents Prevent from industrial accidents and occupational diseases.
4. Hygiene Management Manage restrooms, drinking water and dormitories used by employee to be managed hygienically.
5. Health and Safety Training Provide health and safety information that workers need to know.
Ⅳ. Environment

Strive to meet the environmental standards of all products and services that we provide and minimize environmental impact
1. Compliance with Environmental Regulations: Comply with the latest legal revisions and obtain statutory mandatory licenses.
2. Reduction of Environmental Impact: Reduce the use of resources and energy used in the work processes.
3. Hazardous Substances Management: Manage hazardous substances harmful to the human body or environment thoroughly.
4. Air Pollution Management: Monitor air pollutants and prevent facilities used in the work process.
5. Water Management: Minimize the use of water used in the work process and monitor emissions.